Comments on: 2015 Carolina Cup – Final Day ../2015-carolina-cup-final-day/ the evolution of a shooter Fri, 04 Jan 2019 18:58:27 +0000 hourly 1 By: Sadie ../2015-carolina-cup-final-day/#comment-39323 Mon, 03 Aug 2015 18:36:51 +0000 ../?p=1242#comment-39323 Gerry,
A few comments got caught in limbo and I just saw them. Thanks for reading and for the positive feedback. I remember handing out your targets to shooters during the match. Wish I’d gotten the opportunity to meet your wife. Learning to shoot builds confidence in so many ways. Come back and please introduce yourself next year.

By: Sadie ../2015-carolina-cup-final-day/#comment-39322 Mon, 03 Aug 2015 18:30:14 +0000 ../?p=1242#comment-39322 I am so sorry… I just saw this. For future reference, scores are here: Look for the “Match Results” drop down.

By: Lee ../2015-carolina-cup-final-day/#comment-38037 Mon, 22 Jun 2015 19:56:46 +0000 ../?p=1242#comment-38037 Any idea when scores will be posted somewhere?

By: Sadie ../2015-carolina-cup-final-day/#comment-38028 Mon, 22 Jun 2015 13:54:30 +0000 ../?p=1242#comment-38028 Thanks! It was a long few days but I miss it already. As for the medical staff, that was the only instance where an ambulance was called. Everything else was dealt with onsite. I’m proud to be part of the volunteer staff.

By: Rich ../2015-carolina-cup-final-day/#comment-38023 Mon, 22 Jun 2015 09:23:54 +0000 ../?p=1242#comment-38023 Thanks for volunteering. This match would not be possible without people like you that sacrifice their time in order for the rest of us to shoot. Thanks also for the updates. I did not know an ambulance had to be called and it probably saved the mans life, great job by Frank and Paula for having someone on site to attend to medical emergencies.

By: Gerry Tetreau ../2015-carolina-cup-final-day/#comment-38017 Mon, 22 Jun 2015 02:43:28 +0000 ../?p=1242#comment-38017 Great article. This is the first year I shot the match. If am an instructor and Master SSP, but my wife is just getting started and is also In her midlife years. You are a positive inspiration for her. Thank you for recording your experiences.
