Comments on: Shooting outdoors? Use that sunscreen! ../shooting-outdoors-use-that-sunscreen/ the evolution of a shooter Fri, 04 Jan 2019 18:58:27 +0000 hourly 1 By: Sadie ../shooting-outdoors-use-that-sunscreen/#comment-51812 Sun, 02 Jul 2017 22:33:47 +0000 ../?p=1437#comment-51812 Thank you for your comment. I have an interesting scar, but I think by next year it will have mostly faded. Take care and enjoy fishing!

By: Carl K ../shooting-outdoors-use-that-sunscreen/#comment-51356 Wed, 24 May 2017 03:39:04 +0000 ../?p=1437#comment-51356 My uncle had skin cancer and our family has since been religious about applying sunscreen outdoors. I love shooting at outdoor ranges but it’s the long days of fishing that really get me. Hope you’re doing better by now. – Carl

By: Sadie ../shooting-outdoors-use-that-sunscreen/#comment-50611 Mon, 03 Apr 2017 23:53:05 +0000 ../?p=1437#comment-50611 Update: “no big deal” is going to leave a 4 inch scar down my forearm. I watched most of the surgery and kept thinking… “you need to stop watching, that’s pretty disturbing”. I’ll spare you pictures since I couldn’t take them one handed. Maybe when I change the bandages. LOL.

Doc says no shooting for at least two weeks them see how I’m healing. I don’t think anyone every asked him about that sport before. I’m hoping to shoot the next Wake Action Pistol match in exactly two weeks (a few hours after I get the stitches out).
