I won my division at the Carolina Cup. I was a bit embarrassed to pick up the winners plaque though as I was the only one in the division.
I did achieve my two goals:
- Don’t come in dead last overall
- Don’t get DQ’d
I’m a slow shooter. My accuracy is improving but the winners could have shot this match 3 times in the time it took me to shoot it once.
Over 16 stages I had 2 procedurals for
- not reloading behind cover
- shooting targets out of order (didn’t slice the pie)
I had 1 hit on a non-threat and 3 failures to neutralize. Total points down: 128. That averages to 8 per stage. I did finish my last stage with “zero down” and that felt good!
I know there was at least one other Novice shooter in another division, but this match was for the more experienced shooters. I’m happy to have the experience and I hope to one day come back and shoot it in a higher division – then if I “place” I’ll know it was earned.
Hey, a win is a Win. Congrats!
Thank you. Sometimes I need a nudge to remind me…